Yesterday the sequel to ‘Infinity Blade’ by Epic Games was released. The initial reviews on gaming centric websites were almost unanimously positive.
I downloaded the game this morning and took a few minutes to check it out.
What I saw was impressive to say the least:
- Incredible graphics, diverse, changing environments and cutscenes
- Gone is the tedious repetitiveness of the first title
- New enemies with new moves and attacks, old enemies with a few new tricks up their sleeves
- Improved sound effects, voice overs and music
- New upgrade system for your inventory and a sleuth of new items
There are a few bugs, mostly small graphics glitches, imperfect localisation (I also couldn’t find a way to set the subtitles from German to English) and it’s still annoying to see advertisements for game-related things left, front and centre. I didn’t have any crashes so far, which wasn’t the case for the first one, and I’ve noticed that the game manages to get my iPhone 4S pretty warm.
I can’t wait to spend more time with this game. Go get it.