John Martellaro on The Mac Observer:
When the TMO team was in Breckenridge, CO last week for a writer's camp, I wrote the entire Particle Debris column, published on June 26, on the MacBook. That article was over 1,200 words, and I found the keyboard to be natural and precise. I now prefer it over any keyboard I have ever used.
I'm in the market for a new machine and when Apple announced the new MacBook in March, the new keyboard drew my interest. While I don't like typing on a touchscreen very much, I have no problems with flat but good keyboards. When I finally had the opportunity to try the keyboard, a few days after the MacBook was available in stores, it took me about 20 minutes of typing to realise that I wanted this keyboard in my Mac, yesterday.
Unfortunately for me, Apple seems to be using the new MacBook as a testbed not only for the concept of an ultra light laptop with just one port but also for this particular type of keyboard. Therefore, while a bit disappointing, it's not surprising that Apple didn't add the new keyboard to the MacBook Pro with Retina Display at the same time.
I hope that Apple will soon equip the rest of its line-up with this new type of keyboard.