Husky puppy + snowy owl = friends
This is an odd pairing but in a very, very sweet way. I kept d'awww-ing throughout both videos.
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Found on: tastefullyoffensive
This is an odd pairing but in a very, very sweet way. I kept d'awww-ing throughout both videos.
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Found on: tastefullyoffensive
I love spring. It's one of my two favourite seasons of the year. Everything in one's environment becomes more interesting, more lively again.
I shot this on one of the tracks we take less often for walking the dog. It was fairly late in the evening and the sun was beginning to set, resulting in a beautiful light across the green fields.
Quick snapshot taken coming out of the sushi place on the Petrisberg in Trier.
If you like the movie Unbreakable as much as I do, listening to Jason Snell and team discuss it, is going to make you want to watch it again.
Unbreakable is one of those lesser known gems and one of the best superhero movies of the last twenty years. Unlike most action-heavy films, it is well written and directed and it aged equally well.
One of the things that weirded me out to no end when I saw the movie for the first time, was that I didn't notice the soundtrack (composed by James Newton Howard).
Of course there is a soundtrack but it is so subtle and unobtrusive, woven into the movie so perfectly, I only became aware of the music a couple of times. This is a major factor why this movie will still put me on edge, even though I must've watched it at least ten times.
Turns Out™, I'm not putting up photo posts often enough. It's March 2017 and I'm finally showing pictures I took about a year ago.
Yellow tulips in front of a window. The way the afternoon light shone through the petals caught my eye.
This was a test shot with a new wide-angle lens I had bought, checking it for distortions. Goes to show that sometimes the most mundane things can look really nice.
Taking a short break on a walk with my dogs, the little dog finally got comfortable on the wooden lounger we sat down on. Mika is a sweet dog and her little paws always remind me more of a cat's than a dog's. This isn't helped by the fact that she tends to behave like a cat sometimes. She's a rescue that a family member adopted when she was already about four years old and I always suspected that she grew up with cats.
Another snapshot from a walk with the dogs. I really love how the sun lit up the green woven metal benches.
Der folgende Tweet erschien gestern in meiner Zeitleiste und ich musste herzlich lachen.
Eines der von den anti-demokratischen, teilvernebelten Vollpfosten der Reichsbürgerbewegung ist ja, dass die Bundesrepublik Deutschland gar kein Staat sei, sondern eine GmbH, usw., usw.
Nun, Thosten Meier (@kaputte) hatte dazu auf Twitter eine ganz tolle Antwort:
An die #Reichsbürger die nichts mit der #BRD GmbH zu tun haben wollen:
— Thorsten Meier (@kaputte) March 4, 2017
Bitte verlassen Sie unverzüglich das Firmengelände
Ich habe ein großes Problem mit so verdammt blöden Behauptungen wie "die BRD ist eine GmbH". Hinter solch hirnverbrannter Propaganda, die nur dazu dient rechtsextreme und demokratiefeindliche Argumentationen in der öffentlichen Diskussion salonfähig zu machen, gehen grundsätzlich die Missstände unter, die tatsächlich Beachtung finden müssten.
Im Fall der "BRD GmbH" ist es meiner Meinung nach der Umstand, dass in Deutschland der Lobbyismus inzwischen fast U.S.-amerikanische Ausmaße angenommen hat und dadurch der Einfluss von Unternehmen und wohlhabenden Personen auf die Politik, in einem für das Volk und den Staat gefährliche Maß, zunehmend ausartet.
N° 1: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Trailer 2
N° 2: Alien: Covenant
In yesterday's core segment of Last Week Tonight, John Oliver dug into the talking points Republicans have for discussing the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Let me repeat that: he didn't dig into the actual bill to repeal it, or the bill that would replace the ACA, but the talking points Republicans use to rile up support for the repeal.
As usual, it's an interesting piece that shows just how much Republicans hate the poor, the sick, and those in need.
Watch it and make up your own mind about whether it's a good idea to repeal it.