Oh this is just delicious.
Instagram just sent me a spam email because I’ve been away for so long. The email also included a “You have 1 like.” line to entice me to check who graced one of my photos with social affirmation.
Oh this is just delicious.
Instagram just sent me a spam email because I’ve been away for so long. The email also included a “You have 1 like.” line to entice me to check who graced one of my photos with social affirmation.
Bijou is such a very good girl.
She just let me scale her upper jaw’s teeth without even so much as flinching. We’ve been using a toothpaste/balm after each evening’s tooth cleaning and it really helped soften the calcular deposits.
This just came up in my recommendations in Deezer and I’m sitting here dancing in my chair, banging my head: The Struts — Body Talks
Another reason to love my Goruck GR0:
My father borrowed my Billingham camera bag whose insert I often use in a molle pouch attached to the internal molle rows of the GR0 to carry my camera. So now I attach the X-Pro2 directly to the molle using my Peak Design Capture Clip.
Eben einen Spaziergang im Kottenforst gemacht. Das ist eine ganz tolle Cyclocrosstrainingsstrecke. Wege mit unterschiedlichem Untergrund, glitschige Wurzeln, Äste zum Üben von bunny hops und viele umgestürzte Bäume, bei denen abgestiegen werden muss.
This is how I started into my day after a night at a trekking camp. Slept quite well in the tent, despite hunting going on in the area and moderately heavy rainfall. Still, good coffee is important and I’m happy that I didn’t sell the AeroPress two years ago.
Smelling my dog on her head is so calming. She smells like a dog should smell. I believe this is something almost only people who like dogs can appreciate.
We are rapidly approaching temperatures not conducive to wearing sandals all the time. I’m not sure how I’m going to cope.
Just had Vietnamese summer rolls for lunch and now I’m full and happy.
Kleine Beobachtung:
Mein Fahrradlicht hat einen sehr breiten Lichtkegel. Wenn ich bei Dunkelheit unterwegs bin, machen alle motorisierten Verkehrsteilnehmer einen Bogen um die äußerste Stelle des Lichtkegel herum. Finde ich gut. 🚴🏻♂️