I’m rewatching the 6th season of Downton Abbey ahead of catching the movie in the cinema. Every time Dame Maggie Smith appears on screen, I cannot help but cheer. This woman is an incredible actress.
I’m rewatching the 6th season of Downton Abbey ahead of catching the movie in the cinema. Every time Dame Maggie Smith appears on screen, I cannot help but cheer. This woman is an incredible actress.
Hmmm… 🤔
Thinking about replacing the crankset and 36/46 chainring I have with a 30/46 combination and then going back to a 11–30 Ultegra cassette from the 11–40. I found recently that I appreciate having smaller steps between gears.
It’s disappointing how few backpacks (including Peak Design’s packs) and even fewer proper hiking backpacks have a good place to attach the Peak Design Capture Clip. I missed having my camera clipped to the molle on the left shoulder strap on my Goruck GR0 so much.
Mika is such a gentle dog. She’s afraid of rivers and streams. While Bijou drank heartily from a stream on yesterday’s hike, I fetched water in a bowl for Mika who waited a good 10 m from the stream. She drank her fill and when she was done, gave me a “thank you” lick on my hand.
It’s become increasingly clear to me, using my X-Pro2 with the XF23mmF1.4 (my favourite), that if Fujifilm were to release a X100F successor with a slightly better lens (f/2 or just better sharpness at close distances) and weather resistance (!), I would purchase it instantly.
Has anyone seen this kind of behaviour?
iPhone 7+ with a new Apple-installed battery (100% health) set down at 01:00 in Energy Saver Mode at 85% charge. Woke up at 09:30 to find the battery at 15% charge. No info on runaway processes during that time and no apparent data usage.
Wie war das? Unser Geruchssinn hat eine direktere Verbindung zum Gedächtniszentrum des Gehirns als die anderen Sinne? Denn als ich eben eine Grünkernbratlingmischung für vegetarische Burger angesetzt habe, hat es mich gedanklich zurück zum Küchendienst im Kindergarten versetzt.
Turns out, Chuck the coworking space dog is a very patient photo subject. This is anthropomorphization par excellence, I know, but he looks so pensive in these pictures.
“Jokes Seth Can’t Tell” with something I really didn’t know about lesbians. 💍🤯😂
Hint: Amber Ruffin and Henny Hagel are excellent, as always.
I do enjoy it a lot when I reach my daily calorie goal on a long morning walk with the dogs.