When you spend 45 minutes customising menus and buttons to make a camera your own. 🧐
When you spend 45 minutes customising menus and buttons to make a camera your own. 🧐
5G on my iPhone 13 Pro Max is one hell of a battery drain. oof
Views like this make me like this region even more than I already do.
Dunno why but this scene from Meet Joe Black hits me every time.
A stork on the look-out.
Total capture by chance at the end of a walk with my dog.
(Fujifilm X-T3 + XF70-300, Classic Chrome)
Immer wieder amüsant, wie Leute bei Festpreisinseraten auf eBay Kleinanzeigen trotzdem handeln wollen und dann mit lächerlich niedrigen Angeboten daher kommen. 🤨 🤷🏻♂️
Not gonna lie, I laughed harder at this than I probably should have.
(Side note: those massage guns are really good and I wouldn’t want to miss mine.)
Ganz toller Beitrag von ZDF Magazin Royale zu der Betrugsmaschinerie von „Erfolgs-Coaches“.
When you overdid it with core training and now sneezing is incredibly painful. 😭
It’s annoying and frankly ridiculous that Paramount Plus hasn’t managed to release their app for LG smart TVs in Europe, yet.