WEEE! 😍 The 4K UHD version of “The Fifth Element” I ordered just arrived. So looking forward to watching this masterpiece in 4K soon.
WEEE! 😍 The 4K UHD version of “The Fifth Element” I ordered just arrived. So looking forward to watching this masterpiece in 4K soon.
Seth and Lizzo Go Day Drinking
One of the funniest “Seth and 𝑥 Go Day Drinking” segments to date. Lizzo completely losing it at the end just made my day. Watch it and then watch it again.
Twitter prohibiting links promoting other social media networks is the clearest sign of weakness and most striking admission of failure Elon Musk could’ve possibly posted.
My garden is filled with borbs.
Finally replaced my aging 2016 MacBook Pro and went for a M2 MacBook Air. Really impressed with the computing power this thing has: I’m running a Windows 11 VM full-screen on a 5K2K LG ultra wide monitor and macOS on the internal display and the machine doesn’t even get warm.
I do enjoy me some hiking, even in cold and misty weather like this past Sunday.
What’s a huge upside to hearing Josh Gondelman‘s voice on The Bugle and The Gargle so often? I read excellent articles like “How to hate a Jew like a Jew” in his voice in my head. Oh and if you like Josh’s stuff, he has a newsletter on substack now that’s definitely worth subscribing to.
With all of the discussions about Twitter, content curation, and the open web, I can’t express strongly enough how grateful I am for my feed aggregator of choice, Feedbin. The filtering options alone are worth the price. It also has one of the best designed web apps I know.
It’s become too cold for riding in cycling shoes and thick socks alone and I hate the faff of overshoes, so I just ordered two pairs of insulated and waterproof clipless shoes: The Fizik Terra Artica X2 and the Shimano SH-MW702. Let see which one fits better. 🚲