Happy 35th birthday, Star Trek TNG. 🖖
TNG was my first contact with the Star Trek universe and the crew of the NCC-1701-D will forever hold a special place in my heart.
Happy 35th birthday, Star Trek TNG. 🖖
TNG was my first contact with the Star Trek universe and the crew of the NCC-1701-D will forever hold a special place in my heart.
Ye-heeeeees! There’s a new „Jokes Seth can’t tell“!
Since the successor of my beloved clipless cycling shoes is a far cry from the fit and quality of the original, I‘ve decided to try something else and ordered some Specialized S-Works Recon Gravel shoes and a pair of Lake MX 238 X. Looking forward to trying them. 🚲
Mir sind ja mittlerweile Innenstädte unsympathisch, in denen Leute draußen rauchen. Von überall kommt Gestank her. Lädt nicht zum verweilen ein.
Out with the old, in with the new. It was time to replace the Chris King PF30 bottom bracket that came with the bike with something new and better. So I went with a Cane Creek Hellbender 70. Installation was super smooth. 🚲
Sprite — Image is Nothing & The Thirst Always Wins
Immer wieder lustig zu sehen, wenn die Heute Show besseren Journalismus bietet als andere Formate und selbst in einem halb scherzhaften Interview zur Cannabis-Legalisierung mit Karl Lauterbach gute Informationen liefert.
Well the models probably didn’t take into account how quickly and badly we’d fuck up the planet in exchange for generating short-term shareholder value. 😡
Schönes, kompaktes Video zu typischen Technikfehlern beim Rudern auf dem Ergometer und wie sie vermieden werden können.
Why do I feel like rowing training destroys me in very different way compared to cycling?