I kinda miss Andy Zaltzman regularly torturing John Oliver with pun runs.
I kinda miss Andy Zaltzman regularly torturing John Oliver with pun runs.
Really happy with my hair today. Not quite Captain Pike-level but close enough. 🖖
I love the expression on my dog’s face when she just lays somewhere, perfectly content and out of the blue I show up with a piece of cheese or some other little treat.
These are the kinds of vistas I love cycling for, that I love going outside for. The cloud cover was beautiful, making all of the colors pop. The air was clear thanks to a couple of rain showers earlier in the day. #LeicaQ2
Hello! May I boop your snoot? #LeicaQ2
Sarah Andersen is a constant source of joy, wisdom, and perspective.
4 May be with you.
Tolle Folge von “Der Tag” im DLF. Themen sind das durchweg unsoziale Kampfpapier der FDP vor deren Parteitag und eine Einschätzung eines Historikers zur Geldspritze der USA für den Kampf der Ukraine gegen die Invasion Russlands.
Launching a new attempt to change my diet (less carbs, mainly) and I’m happily falling down the rabbit hole of foodstagram. Already saved a bunch recipes and tried a few of them with great success.
Itsy bitsy spider. Really tiny little thing, a „Marpissa muscosa“. It was sitting on a bit of wall decoration in our living room.