Launching a new attempt to change my diet (less carbs, mainly) and I’m happily falling down the rabbit hole of foodstagram. Already saved a bunch recipes and tried a few of them with great success.
Launching a new attempt to change my diet (less carbs, mainly) and I’m happily falling down the rabbit hole of foodstagram. Already saved a bunch recipes and tried a few of them with great success.
Itsy bitsy spider. Really tiny little thing, a „Marpissa muscosa“. It was sitting on a bit of wall decoration in our living room.
Went for a Feierabend walk yesterday evening to fully immerse myself in the fact that it was the 23rd of April and we‘ve been getting enough snow for many of the ski slopes in the area to reopen. Caught a beautiful sunset. Good times if exhausting because trudging through 60 cm of snow is 🥵.
Not a fan of pigeons but they are pretty birds. #FujifilmXF70300mm #ProNegHigh
Einer der angenehmsten Aspekte Angestellter zu sein (im Vergleich zu einem selbstständigen Gewerbetreibenden) ist es keine Beiträge mehr an die IHK entrichten zu müssen. Das ist so eine sinnlose Organisation und die Zwangsmitgliedschaft eine absolute Farce.
I think I‘m going to enjoy that Laowa 65 mm macro lens on my Fujifilm X-H2. Found this exhausted wasp on my back porch yesterday and gave it some sugar water to recover. While it was resting it stayed still enough for me to capture a few pictures. 📷
Really liked the reflections in this scene. (Shot with a Leica Q2.)
Finished Constellation this morning. I’m not entirely sure whether I liked it but it sure was captivating. Quite the mind-bender and so very tense pretty much throughout all eight episodes. I think I’m up for a second season.
I asked for sandal weather yesterday.
„Ask and thou shalt receive“, I guess.
CW: Pasty Hobbit feet in sandals.
To use modern parlance: „That stuff was fire.“