Two game-changing (cycling) base layer discoveries this winter season
For the 2023/2024 winter season I had promised myself to ride outside whenever possible. Two pieces of clothing really helped me with this, keeping me warm and comfortable for longer, even in very cold and wet weather:
Devold Expedition Merino 235 Shirt

I bought this shirt on a hunch during the 2023 Black Friday discount frenzy. I didn’t specifically want this for cycling, expecting that at a 235 g/m² weight it would be too warm for me during strenuous activities but it turned out to be perfect.
I pretty much always have the problem of the upper outsides of my thighs, the outsides of my butt and lower back getting cold while cycling. I mostly blame cycling garb manufacturers for not putting enough isolating material or even weatherproof material in these areas.
This shirt solves the issue for me because of its long cut. It properly covers the upper 2/3 of my butt which results in me staying warm even in temperatures below zero.

The other cool thing about this shirt is the magic that Devold has woven into it. I’ve never owned a merino wool base layer that regulates body temperature and sweat as well as this one. It’s become my go-to at home under hoodies and flannel shirts, when hiking, walking the dog, and cycling.
I have three of these shirts now.
Injinji Liner Crew Wool toe socks
These things are amazing for layering. Plain and simple.

I have a pair of Shimano SH-MW702 GoreTex shoes with a wide toe box for cold/foul weather cycling. Sadly even with thick wool socks, I sometimes got cold feet on longer rides once my feet have become properly sweaty once.
These liner socks have fixed that for me. Separating out my toes + the effects of layering other socks on top has been amazing. It’s easier to pick the right combination of socks depending on the conditions I’m going to be riding in and I often opt for a thinner pair of wool socks on top of these liners and bring a thicker pair with me on longer rides in the cold in case I’ve misjudged the temperatures.